While it’s not easy, try to keep a positive attitude and accept offers of practical help if necessary. Be aware of spending time in the company of people who are critical and draining and accept that there are just some events you can’t control.
When it comes to family stress, it is your ability to handle the stress, not suppress it, that makes the difference. When problems begin to arise (as they always will), find the time put them on the table for family discussion. Avoiding problems almost always intensifies them. Discuss them, come to an agreeable situation, and move on!

An unhealthy lifestyle aggravates stress. Think about your diet, habits, work environment and

Do you start the day well rested?
Do you have a good nutritious breakfast to get your energy levels up?
Is your diet healthy?
Do you regularly rush into work late, or stressed by the journey?
Do conditions at work add to your stress - overcrowding, lack of personal space, too much noise, dirt or mess?
Do you need caffeine, cigarettes or alcohol to get you through the day?
To read on, click here
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